

Every year, Queensland lives are lost to hepatitis, and many of these could have been prevented.

Vaccination and treatment is available for hepatitis B. There is a simple and effective cure for hepatitis C.

It’s time to get tested. Don’t let hepatitis go unnoticed.

Over 47,000 Queenslanders have hepatitis B or C

Most people with hepatitis don’t feel sick

Hepatitis tests are not part of regular blood tests


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Tired? Brain Fog? Aches and pains? These are just some of the signs that your liver may be sick.

Take action today and complete the 2-minute hepatitis quiz. It could save your life.


Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a virus that can damage your liver, and if left unchecked can cause chronic liver disease and liver cancer.

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Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is commonly transmitted through blood-to-blood contact such as injecting drug use, unsterile tattooing and body piercing.

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Liver disease

There are over 100 types of liver disease ranging from mild damage to severe scarring and failure.

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latest hepatitis news and liver health tips

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This website may contain the names and images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have passed on.