
Hep C Testing Flowchart

Posted 18 September, 2020
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Hep C Testing Flowchart

This handy hepatitis C testing flowchart explains which tests you may have and what the results means.

To get tested for hepatitis C, start by making an appointment with your doctor. You can be tested for hepatitis C with a blood test or fingerstick test.

An antibody test will show if you have EVER had the hepatitis C virus. A PCR test (also known as an RNA test) shows whether you still have the virus.

You can test positive for the antibody test even if you have cleared the hepatitis C virus naturally or through treatment. This is because your body will always have hepatitis C antibodies, whether you still have the virus or not.

A PCR test is the only way to check if you still have the virus in your blood and you currently have hepatitis C.

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