New Hepatitis B Project Announcement
Hepatitis Queensland is very excited to announce that work has begun on a brand new hepatitis B health promotion project, which has a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The project will target hepatitis B positive mothers and their babies, young people aged 15-25 years, and men and women aged over 50 years as well as hepatitis B service providers.
The project will run until late 2021 and includes four key elements:
- A clinical audit
- Workforce Development Education and Training
- Community engagement
- Resource production
Hepatitis Queensland has partnered with the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) to conduct hepatitis B baseline audits in member sites. This audit will also be repeated at the end of the project in 2021 to measure the effectiveness of the health promotion initiatives, education packages and measure progress towards the National Strategies.
Lana has been busy conducting a needs assessment with as many of the IUIH member site clinics during May and into June with some great advice, direction and feedback being provided by staff from across the network. It is expected the results of the needs assessments will be available in July with work commencing on education development and resource production in August.
You may remember the Hepatitis B Community Education Projects that we ran in 2015 – 2018, check out the highlights here.
If you have any questions or would like to get involved please contact