
B Stronger: Grants Program

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Hepatitis Queensland is offering grants up to $500 and $2000

Hepatitis Queensland wants to support Aboriginal Community Control Health Services to hold a community event in 2021 and yarn about hepatitis B, as part of the B Stronger project.

The B Stronger Project is working to:

  • increase knowledge of hepatitis B prevention and encourage more testing in communities,
  • increase the knowledge and skills of healthcare providers to provide appropriate care and treatment for chronic hepatitis B,
  • connect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living with hepatitis B to service providers.

Some facts about hepatitis B

  • More than 7.6% of the population living with hepatitis B in Australia is from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community,
  • Liver cancer rates in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are double that of the non-Indigenous population,
  • 1 in 4 people who are living with hepatitis B will die of liver cancer or liver failure if they aren’t engaged in regular check-ups.

Key dates

All activities and events funded need to be conducted before 30 September 2021; you may choose to hold your event around:

  • NAIDOC – 4-11 July 2021
  • World Hepatitis Day – 28 July 2021

Or you may choose to incorporate an activity or event into an existing program such as a Mum’s and Bub’s group or a Men’s or Women’s group.

Reporting requirements

All successful organisations will be required to complete a brief evaluation report and provide proof of the activity, such as photos.

All successful organisations will be supported to create a short piece about your activity or event one month after it has been held. This may be in the form of a written or filmed piece.

Who can apply

Aboriginal Community Control Health Services within Queensland.

The B Stronger Project has a focus (priority populations) on (but is not limited to):

  • mum’s living with hepatitis B and their bubs,
  • young people aged 15-25 years,
  • and older people aged 50 years and over.

What can be funded

Examples of the types of events or activities that will be funded include:

  • a healthy lunch with an information stall and activities,
  • activities supporting a vaccination campaign,
  • liver health day (with a possible FibroScan event),
  • incorporating a hepatitis B education session into a Mum’s and Bubs group,
  • develop a new resource for your community about being tested for hepatitis B.

Events may be supported by Hepatitis Queensland project staff where possible. Additionally, merchandise items have been produced to support events and will be provided to the clinics.

What won’t be funded

  • wages and other employment costs,
  • ongoing running costs for projects that are already being implemented,
  • financial support for any activities conducted or delivered outside of Queensland.

Application closing date

Applications close on Wednesday, 30 June 2021; however, events can occur until 30 September 2021.

When will my organisation be notified of a successful grant?

All applications will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application no later than Friday, 4 June 2021.

How will funds be paid to my organisation?

Successful organisations will need to provide Hepatitis Queensland with an invoice for the agreed grant amount, inclusive of GST. On receipt of the invoice, funds will be deposited via EFT. All tax invoices should be marked attention of Jenny Davis at admin@hepqld.asn.au

Please note that grant funds:

  • can only be paid into the bank account of the applicant organisation,
  • the invoice needs to be raised by 30 June 2021, with the funds paid into the bank account of the applicant organisation no later than 12 July 2021,
  • will include GST,
  • can be paid only on the receipt of an invoice from the applicant.

How are the grants ASSESSED?

All grants will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • the activity or event is relevant to one or more of the priority populations,
  • the application clearly states the expected outcomes of the activity or event,
  • the activity or event is conducted within the project timelines.

How to apply?

Complete the Grants Application Form and return to lana@hepqld.asn.au.

Who do I contact for more information?

Lana Richardson
B Stronger Project Officer
07 3846 0020

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This website may contain the names and images of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have passed on.